Intent Classification API, With Generative Models

What is Intent Classification and Why Use Generative AI?

Intent classification (also known as intent detection, or intent recognition) is about retrieving the intent from a piece of text. This is especially useful in a discussion (i.e. chatbots and conversational AI), in order to understand what a person wants to achieve.

Performing intent classification with modern AI models like ChatGPT, GPT-3.5, GPT-4, LLaMA 3, Yi 34B, Mixtral 8x7B, and more, gives very impressive results.

For example, imagine that someone says the following:


I spent some time on your documentation but I could not figure how to add a new credit card.
It is a problem because my current card is going to expire soon and I'm afraid that it will cause a service disruption.
How can I update my credit card?

Thanks in advance,

Looking forward to hearing from you,

John Doe

The intent behind this email is "update credit card".

LLaMA 3, Dolphin, Yi 34B, and Mixtral 8x7B are advanced alternatives to GPT-4, GPT-3.5, and ChatGPT. These models are so complex that they can adapt to many situations, and perfectly sounds like a human. For advanced use cases, it is possible to fine-tune your own generative AI models (train them with your own data), which is a great way to perform intent detection that is perfectly tailored to your company/product/industry.

Intent classification

Why Use Intent Classification?

In a conversation between an AI and a human, it can be very useful to understand what the person is truly looking for or asking for. Here are a couple of examples:

Customer Support Automation

Use the intent classification API to classify customer queries in real-time and automate responses or route the queries to the appropriate department. This can significantly reduce response times and increase customer satisfaction, particularly for frequently asked questions or common issues.

E-commerce Personalization

Implement the intent detection API in e-commerce platforms to analyze customer inquiries or search terms, allowing for personalized product recommendations based on the detected shopping intent. This could lead to improved conversion rates and a more personalized shopping experience.

Content Discovery and Recommendation

Media platforms and content providers can use the intent detection API to understand the intent behind content search and navigation, tailoring content recommendations to fit user's specific interests and intents, enhancing user engagement and platform stickiness.

Educational Tools and E-learning

In e-learning platforms, an intent classification API could classify students' questions or inputs to provide more targeted educational resources, feedback, or tutor support, enhancing learning experiences and outcomes.

NLP Cloud's Intent Classification API

NLP Cloud proposes an intent classification API with advanced generative models like Dolphin, LLaMA 2, Yi 34B, and Mixtral 8x7B, that give you the opportunity to perform detection out of the box. These models are very good alternatives to ChatGPT, GPT-3.5, and GPT-4. If the base generative model is not enough, you can also fine-tune/train your own generative models on NLP Cloud and automatically deploy the new models to production with only one click.

For more details, see our documentation about intent classification with generative models here. For advanced usage, see the text generation API endpoint here. And easily test intent classification on our playground.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is intent classification / intent detection?

Intent classification or intent detection is a natural language processing task that involves determining the purpose or goal behind a user's input, such as a question or command, in conversational interfaces or chatbots. It helps in understanding what actions users intend to take or what information they are seeking.

Can I try the intent classification API for free?

Yes, like all the API endpoints on NLP Cloud, the intent classification API can be tested for free.

How does your AI API handle data privacy and security during the intent classification process?

NLP Cloud is focused on data privacy by design: we do not log or store the content of the requests you make on our API. NLP Cloud is both HIPAA and GDPR compliant.

What are the supported languages or locales for this intent detection API?

Our intent detection API supports 200 languages

How does the intent classification API handle ambiguous or unclear user inputs?

Intent classification uses machine learning algorithms and natural language processing techniques to analyze the context and key phrases in ambiguous or unclear user inputs, enabling the system to predict the most probable intent despite uncertainty.